Palm Harbor Fitness Boot Camp for Women

Weight Loss

At our Palm Harbor Fitness Boot Camp, this is our newest location and we help with weight loss through fun workouts and a simple nutrition plan. We have fun 30-minute boot camp style workouts that are always different, so you are never bored. But we also have a Licensed Dietician who has provided a simple nutrition plan that is really easy to follow.

Most fitness programs do not offer this detailed help with nutrition since you must be licensed to do so. We also have weekly webinars and nutrition coaching calls with, and our Licensed Dietician is a former member who lost 40 lbs. with us and has kept it for 4 years!

The way we focus on weight loss is we help women know how to eat healthy in a way that you enjoy. We have simple menus to follow with delicious recipes and tips on how to eat out.

We like to show women how to eat healthy in a way that you can maintain weight loss, not just lose it really quick. Weight loss is quite simple, once you learn how to do it in a way that you enjoy.

We want to get your body active, while getting the muscles tone, to help with the weight loss. This can speed up the metabolism but also tone and shape the body at the same time.

If you would like to set up a complimentary consultation with us so you can see the Palm Harbor location and check out our weight loss Fitness Boot Camp programs - Click this link to find out more and see the location’s address.

If you would to see some amazing weight loss stories - Click this link to see our TV show on ABC.